Friday, March 19, 2010

Spring "not so much of a" Break

You know the saying...Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice, strike three! I feel like I may have that wrong...who knows. Anyhow, long story short, come to find out my phone did not update with the time change and I finally missed a day of Spinning. To my credit I still showed up "on time" according to my cell phone just in time to watch them do stretching.

In other exciting news, did a VO2MAX test on Mr. Tim J. Mohn(made up middle initial for dramatic affect). This was the first time for me to help with running the test, have actually been the test subject in the past. It was a great learning experience and starting in the next week or so I will be able to run the test on my if interested let me know. I am in the process of developing the bike version of the test for ESU which has me really excited.

Also big weekend coming up, Adventure Monkey Magazine party Saturday if you didnt know! Then after that its off to KC for a Seacat brother reunion. A Seacat reunion gaurantees three things will happen:
1. Me and little Seacat will accidently break a car window(long story)
2. I will end up kicking in a locked door(even longer story)
3. Blackout

In order L to R. Marine, Doctor, Bicyclist.

Thats about it for now. If your bored I found a couple links worth a view that should help your Friday move right along.

That's What She (Courtney) Said: Older brothers girl friends blog...she is somewhat witty(just kidding Court) and has some gross/funny stories about med school.

World Cup Race Coverage: Video from a World Cup race up in Canada last season. Great video and a couple girls that are easy on the eyes, as well on bikes. What I like to call a win/win/win.

Have a good weekend


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Unknown said...

i believe you've forgotten to mention WHO stepped up to the plate and covered your late ass at spinning. i heard it was some hardcore amazing girl who you still owe big time...just sayin...

Courtney Kelly said...

Thanks for the shout out! Lots of pressure to keep my blog up to date though. Hope we can have some good stories after this Seacat reunion in KC to put on out blogs!

Copyright 2010 Seagato